Sunday, March 1, 2009

Preview Review: Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen

We here at The Spike Report know that times are hard and a dollar just doesn't go as far as it used to. So we are doing what we can to help save you a little money were you can. And the first way is our Preview Review.

Now they say that the best parts of the movie are always in the trailer. With this axiom in mind we are going to watch a trailer for a movie that is not out yet. After seeing only this trailer, we will then give you a review of the entire film. Then you will have had the entire movie experience months early, but you will have saved the money you would have spent for a $10 dollar ticket and a $20 dollar popcorn.

This week's selection: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen.

And here we go.

This film is the sequel to best film of 2007 about Robots turning into cars, Transformers. In this installment, we find more Transformers arriving on Earth all over the globe. We know this because Director Michael Bay shows us the most famous parts of the various countries the Transformers arrive in. But not all Transformers arriving are good. We know this because they destroy an AMERICAN aircraft carrier. Again Michael Bay needs to spoon feed us. If it were an English aircraft carrier, these Transformers could be good. But no, its an American one, so we know they are bad.

You know the great thing about Michael Bay? When he talks about his movies he never mentions silly things like story or characters. It is always how "its bigger" and "what the military let him shoot, and then blow up. " That is exactly what these new Transformers do. They are coming to life and immediately blowing stuff up, real good. For a reason that in the full film will seem inconsequential to things blowing up, it is all because Sam once again played by Shia LaBeouf has something that these new evil Transformers need in order to rule the universe. Sam most likely picked this up in the first movie. We just didn't see it, because it had to be made up once Transformers 2 got green lit. (Think Jack Sparrow's compass in Pirates 2)

So once again Optimus Prime and the Autobots do battle with the evil Decepticons to keep Sam and his new plot device safe. In the process of keeping him safe, they blow up lots of things, kill other Transformers and create lots of carnage. And in the last act, thru an act seen as an "ultimate sacrifice", and an idea from Sam that is so crazy, it just might work , they will save the world. Until Transformers 3.

So hope this helps keep some money in your pocket in these trying economic times.

Transforming and rolling out...


1 comment:

  1. A pointless sequel. There's no way bay can best his ultimate dramatic scene from the first film. That of course is when Optimus Prime holds the two dead halves of his buddy and gut wrenchingly cries out his name, "Jaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzz!!!!!!"

    He should have one the first Oscar for Robot Performance. I have chills typing this.
