Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Spike Report Bigger Question: Why Would Anyone Want To Date Bret Michaels?

My friend Jenny had a great quote on her Facebook under what TV shows she watches: "Any show where Bret Micheals dates a Whore." Funny cause its true.

So we are winding down to the final four on Rock of Love Bus. Today he kicked off two more strippers, and now has only a handful of strippers, groupies and girls with severe Daddy issues left. And the question I have as I watch this show, is not who should Bret pick. My question is Why would any of these girls want Bret?

Lets get the hair issue out of the way. Its his hair. When you pay that much for fake hair its YOUR hair, end of discussion. And I guess he is attractive enough for a 46 year old man. (This still makes him twice as old as anyone else on Rock of Love.) He does have money. He does have a "career". And he is "famous." So I guess in that respect someone would want to be with him. But there are plenty of rich 40-something guys with fake hair out there, well there were before the economy tanked.

But watching this show, and taking those previous things as a given, why would you want to date Bret? Lets take the previous paragraph out of the equation. Ladies, if a guy asked you out on a date and he took you to a strip club, wouldn't you have serious questions about him? The only other guy in pop culture who did that was Travis Bickle, the guy DeNiro played in Taxi Driver.

Bret's thing this season has been he needs to get a girl who can handle his "lifestyle", which includes being on the road, playing rock 'n roll, and partying. Again lets take the Rock star thing out of it. If your friend was a dating a 46 year old guy who's job was to be on the road, liked hair-metal and got drunk every night, you would tell her to steer clear of him.

Also would any of you ladies want to date a guy who as a prerequisite to getting together, would require you to participate in "everyday" activities like: A Mud Bowl, or Truck Stop Games or Bikini Day Care?

Look I understand how this quite an opportunity for strippers, escorts and amateur porn stars that are not "working their way through school". But at the end of the day the purpose of this show, is for Bret to be able to have sex with lots of women who have low self esteem on TV... no wait its for him to "find love." And if it is for "love" then a) Ladies why would you degrade yourself for a guy like that and b.) Bret why would you want to be in a relationship with a woman who would be wiling to degrade herself like that. Going down a slip n' slide in a bikini holding a hot dog, is not a sign of how much she cares about you. Its a sign of how little she cares about herself.

So Bret, if you want love, and want someone who can keep up with your life style, get a young version of Sharon Osbourne. Someone who is smart, won't put up with your crap, and will still let you go out on the road, get drunk and act like an ass. I mean she took a marginally talented ex-lead singer of a heavy metal band and made him bigger than anyone, including himself, ever thought he would be. Sound familiar?

That way every one wins. You get someone to love, and these girls can back to doing what they do best. Taking their clothes off for money and drugs to work through their Daddy issues.



  1. I like the episode where Bret washes his hair with rain water and it turns green and we all learn a little something about acid rain.

    The very special episode where C. C. and Bobby Dall go watch "kids" videos at Gordon Jump's bike shop was real creepy.

  2. This is the greatest truth you've ever spoken:

    "Going down a slip n' slide in a bikini holding a hot dog, is not a sign of how much she cares about you. Its a sign of how little she cares about herself."

    I have no words, other than BRAVO!
