Friday, March 27, 2009

Its March 27, 2009, I Don’t Care About Politics… And I Feel Fine.

I came to a stark realization today. I don’t care what is going on in politics. Not at all. I haven’t watched MSNBC in weeks. I feel no need to listen to my podcast of Real Time with Bill Maher. I have given up watching Meet the Press on Sunday mornings, for Rock of Love Bus with Bret Michaels. Political things are happening. I just don’t care.

This is odd. Six months ago I was rabid. I was a political junkie. I couldn’t get enough. In my down time, I studied the Electoral Map to see how “we” could swing a marginal victory. I watched Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper religiously. I even popped over to Fox News until I couldn’t take "the crazy" any more. My mother and I would IM about politics. My Dad and I would ramp up our “You are ____ years old and you don’t know what you are talking about” arguments. But now it is March 27, and I feel nothing.

Its not that there is nothing going on. Worst economic crisis in 80 something years. Still at war in Iraq, probably going to ramp up in Afghanistan. Rush Limbaugh wishing for President Obama’s failure. And my reaction to all of it… "Meh..."

Maybe its cause my guy won. I don’t have my hatred of the Bush Administration to push me to “find things out” on my own. Maybe I am stupidly trusting the people in power to do the right thing, just like other people stupidly trusted Bush. But honestly I don’t care. I don’t have that outrage.

I mean I could go off on how Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer and that conservative outrage is his shtick. So its foolish for the Republican party to cow-tow to what ever crazy thing comes out of his mouth. I could go off on Senator Richard Shelby wanting American auto-companies to go bankrupt because his state is home to foreign auto-company plants. I could rail against the dangerous legislative precedent it sets to tax a group of people we don’t like, like the AIG bonus people. I could call for the heads of all the people who screwed up on Wall Street and at the banks. But at the end of the day, it seems like I would just be going through the motions.

I guess I just enjoy the election stuff. Primaries, caucuses, debates, polling data, political analysis, all that jazz. The exciting stuff. Governing is boring. Elections are awesome.

So I guess I will just have to muddle through until the middle of 2010. That should be when Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal announce they are running for President, and the circus will come back into town.

Sarah Palin running for President… Oh 2012 you can’t get here soon enough!


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