When Julia Roberts leaves her groom at the alter for Richard Gere, its okay. Cause Julia's groom is an actor, and he will be a serial killer on Law and Order next week, and he will be good. But now take this mess with The Bachelor and his picking someone and then dumping them, and then picking the other girl. It made my head swim, and I didn't even watch. It may be exciting, but all I could think of was, "that poor girl" about both of them.

Here is the thing, if this were a scripted show, with actors, you wouldn't know or care. I mean does anyone even know if the entire cast of Bones is having marital problems. And if they were, it would never effect the show? No. But in "reality", when your lead gets a divorce, it effects the entire "reality" of the show.

I guess this is what happens when you base TV shows on real life, "real life" things happen, and not in the way people want it to. Sometimes, it doesn't make for good TV. It makes for painful TV. As a child of divorce, it is painful no matter what age it happens. Twice as bad, if it happens on TV.
By the way Jon, if you are reading this, and if you have to split the kids, take: Joel, Aaden, Cara and Alexis. I have issues with Hannah, I'm just saying.
Trust me
My friend Bob says Jon & Kate Plus 8 should be called, "Dad is Tired."