Monday, March 30, 2009

Fanboys: Put Up Or Shut Up

So I got into an online altercation I was unaware of. I read an article at about Marvel Entertainment hiring writers. (Actually the article was in Variety ) Anyway it sounded intriguing, and I wanted to get a link and maybe find out some more information.

I am unfortunately a Fanboy. I don't speak Klingon or have changed my religion to Jedi. But when those big geeky movies come out, I get excited. So being one, I know that Fanboys, for all their faults, are resourceful and thought if I scrolled through the comments I might be able to find an e-mail address to apply or whatever.

What I found shocked me. Here are these people who have bitched about nipples on the Batsuit, Superman's "S" being too small, Flames on Optimus Prime, Heath Ledger would be an awful Joker (and then praised him as the best ever). They now have a chance to write for Marvel Entertainment and maybe even save their beloved characters from having people who "don't know anything" from “raping their childhood”. Yet all they can do is say things like this:

“Meh. Just hold onto the good stuff you write and send it around when your year is up. First look / last refusal is a joke. But this idea is a joke. No good writer is going to give away a year of his time for a non-negotiable deal. The writers who join this program will either be desperate, fresh off the bus, or both, making the whole thing a shot in the dark talent-wise.” From A Writer

“Marvel = Scumbags sweatshop owners Thank god I hate comic books. They are no better than all those fly by night “Talent Agencies” around this country that promise stage moms everywhere (for a fee) a chance to get their little “Farrah” or “Shanequa” the career in “The Biz” that Milf never had”. From etoro18

“This is a total scam to avoid hiring proper writers and paying decent living wages. No surprise it’s done by Marvel.” From bailee

Its goes on and on. I was shocked. Who the hell do these losers living in their mother’s basements think they are? So I got angry and wrote:

“You guys are amazing. There is a potential to put years and years of bitching about “How you would do it…” in action, with an opportunity to write for Marvel. Yet everyone is content to bitch about it and what a “scam” it is. I guess you guys are better at talking, than putting your talent where your mouth is.” From Anon

To which Thomas R. Hart from took me to task.

I guess you guys are better at talking, than putting your talent where your mouth is. I always find it funny when somebody has a big mouth, but doesn’t have the balls to sign with a name, hell, even a fake name.” Comment by Thomas R. Hart

So let me respond to Thomas R. Hart of


I should have known better than to post on a Fanboy site. I go to a lot of these sites,,, and the like. You guys are always so desperate to get just a little taste of the latest Star Wars-Star Trek-Lord of the Rings-Bat/Super/Spider-Man-Transformer Summer block buster. Yet when you get it, all you seem to do, is take, "Flames on Optimus Prime" and use it as an excuse to say how much the movie is going to suck. Then you are first in line to buy the Imax tickets. And then to go back onto various websites and complain some more.

My point in my post is that instead of bitching, you have a chance to shape the beloved characters the “suits know nothing about.” But everyone on these sites seemed to be more interested in saying its all a “scam”, than applying, and seeing if they can put their years of complaining to good use.

Yet Tommy, all you focused on what that I did not put my name on what I said. Well here is the deal. I put my name on what I WRITE. Be it a play, a screenplay, a spec script, a TV pilot, a webseries, or blog.

I am trying to find out how to apply. I am gonna see if I can put my good ideas to some constructive use. If I am not accepted than “Oh well.” But bottom line, with this and with any other project I attempt, good outcome or bad, I put my talent where my mouth is.

Thomas R. Hart of, you are a douche.


1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU. As a tragic fangirl, all I can do is say 'thank you.' All of the pointless bitching my people do is frustrating to say the least.

    Well said.

    I did some research, and your assertion that Thomas R Hart is a douche is 100% accurate.
