Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Violent Viewings of Benjamin Button

Hope you didn't think I forgot about you. Its been Christmas. It gets nuts, ya know. I spent 32 hours in a car bookending my trip home for Christmas. Its hard to squeeze out a blog under those circumstances.

So I guess now, I have been doing this long enough to have a "I HAVE TO BLOG ABOUT THIS..." moment, and I just happened to have one during my va-ca to FLA.

Christmas night, my Dad, my sis, my girlfriend and I all went to go see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Its a long flick, pretty good though.

But the real show where we saw it wasn't on the screen, it was in the audience. It was filled with whom you would expect at a 3 hour Brad Pitt modern fable, middle aged yuppies gorged on Turkey and presents. But this particular 7:50 showing also had some local teens, about 20, who apparently came a group. They came in about 3 minutes before the movie started and because of their size had split up between the very front of the theater and the very back.

Now it is my opinion that home video has ruined going to movies. People are so used to talking or using their phone while watching a movie at home, they forget that it is extremely rude to do it in a movie theater. These young turks were no different.

About an hour and a half into the movie, after a series of overheard conversations, and ringing cell phones, a lone yuppie woman said "Would you PLEASE stop talking during the movie?!"

That is when all hell broke loose.

The offended female young turk screamed back "You don't tell me to not talk in the movie! I can talk if I want to!" This was followed by the female young turk, and the lone yuppie woman, screaming at each other for about fifteen minutes. The lights were turned on, the manager came in, the young turks from the front of the theater moved to the back for support, then the cops came in. It ended with a SECOND COP, asking the manager "If he should call this in?" The lone yuppie woman, and the young turks each left the theater, and we were allowed to re-watch the part we had missed. This worked out particularly well for my Dad, since he had been asleep since the trailers before the movie.

So I get home and I see this story "Phila. man shot because family talked during movie". Apparently James Joseph Cialella Jr got so angry at a talking father and son during a movie he was watching, HE SHOT THE FATHER. Oh and the movie he was in when this happened? THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON!

So what is it about this movie that incites violence? I mean its a Brad Pitt movie about a dude that ages backwards, not Boyz In the Hood. People are rude in movies, it sucks. But why is that this particular movie makes people feel the need to act on that usually suppressed need to kill the person talking in the movie?

I don't get it. But I guess the lesson to be learned is, mind your manners in Brad Pitt movies.

You never know who is packing heat.

Hope you enjoyed your annual end-of-the-year-pagan-holiday!


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