Monday, July 27, 2009


Apparently while I was sleeping last night, the economy got fixed, we ended the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and there is apparently peace on earth. That is all I can infer from the headline when I opened the homepage on my internet browser today:

Brad Pitt, Angelina Hit a McDonald's Drive-Thru

Sorry Brad, Angie, Knox, Pak, Z, Shiloh and the other one, but I am done. Totally done with your whole family. I’ll go see their movies if they look like they might be good, but beyond that, I am done.

I don’t care anymore. When Brad and Angie were interesting sure, I’d sneak a peek at an Us Weekly. Brad is cheating on Jen… Angelina likes knives… That stuff was cool. Not everyone gets to cheat on their spouses with the hottest person in the world. But you know who goes through the McDonalds drive thru… EVERYONE!

It’s not their fault. It’s the media... well if you can call the ass-clowns who stand around LA taking mundane pictures “the media”. And I understand a slow news day. But honestly! Its crap like this that makes me yearn for more Michael Jackson coverage.

And really what is newsworthy about this? What the fuck about this is even remotely interesting? Why would I or anyone want to know this? Here is a little tip if you are wondering if something is "News". If someone does something, which everyone does and you pretty assumed they did anyway… IT’S NOT NEWS.

And to MSN, Google, Yahoo and the like… just because an ass-clown rag like US Weekly thinks its News… ITS NOT. Please stop listing it as such. Same goes for the 5 stories underneath it about Jon from Jon and Kate Plus 8, hanging out with Lindsey Lohan’s father. Again a douche bag hanging out with a douche bag is not news. I pretty much guessed they did that anyway. Who else WOULD hang out with a douche bag?

So come back when someone has died, cheated or committed career suicide.

Until then I have to go. There is breaking news.

John Goodman Farted


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