Monday, July 27, 2009

D-Bag of the Week: Jon Gosselin

I think I want to try and make this a regular feature. Honestly there are enough D-Bags out there, to warrant it. But the honor for the first is for the “Star” of Jon and Kate Plus 8:

Jon Gosselin

So how did Mr. G get this great honor? Let’s get started.

I am a long time former viewer of Jon and Kate Plus 8. Two summers ago, I was at a loss of what to watch on TV. Then I discovered “Babies” as my girlfriend and I referred to the show. It was a simple enough show, a Type-A mother, her put upon husband, 7 adorable kids and Hannah. It was set in suburbia, and there were a lot of shows about how to do normal things with 8 kids.

But then things changed and the normal things turned into moving into a million dollar house, free trips around the country and Emeril cooking at their house. But the thing that anchored the show, aside from my dislike of Hannah, was what a belittling, pain in the ass, Kate was.

I felt sorry for Jon. I mean in some episodes he could not even breathe correctly as far as Kate was concerned. (This is not hyperbole. There actually was a segment where Kate bitched about Jon breathing too loud.) So when he was photographed hanging out in bars with 22 year old girls, well… I won’t say I saw that coming. Let’s just say I was not surprised the “storybook” romance was over.

So what happened? How did I go from feeling bad for Jon to giving the honor of D-Bag of the week? Well since the uber-publicized split of the Jon and Kate, the news about what the two of them has been up to could not be more different.

Both of them have made pledges about doing what is right by their kids. So we see paparazzi photos Kate in a bikini at the beach and around their house with the eight kids. Even if the stories are about Kate beating the crap out of one (which I am sure the evil mastermind Hannah was truly behind anyway); at least the stories take place with her at with the kids.

But Jon… he is in New York getting a place at Trump. He is in France with his girlfriend talking about starting a clothing line. He is breaking up with a 22 year old because she doesn’t like the media attention. He “might” be dating some woman who quit her tabloid job. And now the kicker, in regard to being with his kids:

“I'm really looking forward to it – to turning my phone off, playing with my kids in the pool and being the dad.”

Well Jon… Don’t you think you could have been doing this all along?

Kate may not be June Cleaver. She may even be cheating with her bodyguard / personal trainer. But at least she is there. Where have you been? Well that is pretty easy to establish, you have seen to it that your get your picture taken in a designer T-shirt almost every day. But the answer to that question is “not with your kids”. If you enjoy “being a Dad” so much maybe you could cancel that next trip to the Hamptons to hang out with Michael Lohan.

Ya Douche Bag!


1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree with you more! Jon is a Douche Bag! Never thought I would feel sorry for Kate. I'm beginning to think that the reason Kate treated Jon like a kid is because he is nothing more than an irresponsible big kid that deserves to get spanked and sent to his room. I have yet to see in the past month or so that Jon has any interest in being a responsible and respectable dad.
