We will start with Spencer Pratt. Now I am breaking my first commandment of this blog by even mentioning him. But Spencer this week graduated from “The Hills” to “You Might Have Heard of Me… Get Me Out Of Here.” My schadenfreude kicked in and I watched this. I have never so instantly come to dislike someone I never really cared about. It was so bad that by the end of the first night my girlfriend who works for charity was saying “I hope they water board Spencer.” (They didn’t, he pussied out). So much of what Spencer said was just flabbergasting. How the others were “downgrading his celebrity” or that he was on a fame level with “Brad and Angelina” . My favorite was how his wife had just “introduced him to Jesus” and the he prayed for a double date with Miley Cyrus, and a month later he got one. I have never felt bad for Miley Cyrus, until I heard that. Raises the question what did Miley do, that God felt the need to punish her, not with a swarm of locusts, but with a double date with Spencer.
By the way his wife Heidi, she is harmless. Borderline retarded, but harmless. Spencer on the other hand… First of all, he acted exactly like you would think a spoiled rich over privileged white kid would act. I mean he is Johnny from Karate Kid but without the class or karate skills. (By the way I meant the character, no disrespect ever to William Zabka.) And after a while, after he has spewed enough crazy out, this hits you… “Oh crap, he really believes this.” Like in his little mind because he is a 3rd tier character on a basic cable reality show, and Perez Hilton draws penises next to his paparazzi photos, he thinks he’s a “star”. And you would feel bad for him, cause the fall for this kid is gonna be hard core. Where do you go from national joke? Its only down. You would feel bad if he weren’t such a douche.

You can be a pro-life as you want and believe that life begins at conception or even before. That is fine. You can think that any abortion is murder, and that the people who perform them are murderers. That is fine too. But when you take the extra step and kill an abortion doctor, you are now a murderer as well. Your are now no better than the people you claim to hate. Nice job, retard.
So to answer my question:
Spencer Pratt = Douche
Scott Roeder = Murderer
I realize Spencer and Scott think otherwise.
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