Sunday, June 14, 2009

Unfriended On Facebook

Who knew social networking could be so painful? Granted I spend far too much time on Facebook. It gets to the point where I look at Facebook, do something else and then come back and am upset that not that much has happened since I left. Its rather pathetic.

So the other day I was doing this "thingy" on Facebook. (You'd think with the amount of time I spend on it I would learn the lingo.) It had to do with getting on a list with other people you had once gone to school with. So I am filling it out, ready to basically annoy everyone who has ever bothered to "friend" me. As I am going down the list, I noticed one of my former school chums from college is missing. I double check, and yep I am right, that person is no longer on my friends list. I go find this person's Facebook page and am asked "Add as a Friend".


I already was a friend. Not just a Facebook-Friend, I was a PERSON-FRIEND. We went to college together. We hung out. We went out drinking. Then we didn't see each other for ten or so years and I became a Facebook friend. And now, without provocation, without notice, I have been unceremoniously UNFriended. The nerve. I have Facebook friends I have never met, I wouldn't even do that to.

I got really neurotic about this, more so than usual. See this person who unfriended me, our social networking reunion ended at the acceptance of the aforementioned Facebook friending. We didn't click on each others posting or comment on each other's status. Occasionally I would look at a pic if it seemed interesting. But beyond that, there was little to no interaction. And that was what really bothered me.

See I have only unfriended one person on Facebook. It was this guy I never met, who would just "friend" anyone. On top of that he would constantly plug his shows he was doing in another state. I just found it annoying. So I unfriended him. Do you know how hard it is to unfriend a person? It is not something you do accidently. It is a multi-step process, and almost not worth the effort.

So that means that this supposed former Facebook friend actually had to WANT to unfriend me. This former person friend turned Facebook friend, who I never thought about, or cared about, actually took the time to jump through the Facebook hoops to unfriend me. It was a conscious effort. It was an item on their Todo list:

Get Milk ... Check

Mail Netflix... Check

Unfriend Jason on Facebook... Check

What the hell!?! What did I do? Was my latest status offensive? Should I have included the Youtube video as opposed to just putting the link? Where the answers to my "25 Questions" not up to snuff? What did I do? Where did I go wrong? How did I fall out of Facebook favor? What crime again social networking warranted my unfriending?

So many unanswered questions...

I do know this. I will not be adding this person back as a friend. Should they come cyber crawling back with an "Add As A Friend" request, my answer will be NO. I can't stand the thought of the social networking pain involved in a potential second unfriending.

No way. They had their chance to see me in the latest photos I have been tagged in. Or to get a reminder that Episode THREE of Ghost Raiders is up and ready do go. I say NO MORE!

Who needs them, right? I have 214 other friends to ease me pain. I will say it will make me think twice about Unfriending people in the future.

Just remember just because they are your Facebook friend, it doesn't mean they don't have real feelings.


1 comment:

  1. Now, I don't know if this helps or not, but I had two people ask to be my friends again - my sister in law and an old friend - because they said I had unfriended them, and I had totally absolutely not done that at all. Maybe he thinks you unfriended him?

    or maybe he's a total dick.

    I'm guessing total dick.
