Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ManCow And RepubLibertairians Have A Tea Party

Hyperbole: [hahy-pur-buh-lee]
1. obvious and intentional exaggeration.
2. An extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity."

So there are these Tea Parties today. Angry Americans who can not take “IT” any more. They want their country back!

President Bush entered office in 2001 with a $236 billion surplus and left with $415 billion deficit. He spent 651 BILLION in 8 years. And NOW Republicans are upset about all the spending? Where was the outrage on April 15, 2007 or April 15, 2008, or April 15, 2006, April 15, 2004, April 15, 2003? He didn’t blow it all in November of 2008.

ManCow Mueller was WGN this morning. Among the things that tripped off his tongue, he said that we should “get rid of the IRS” and if “you don’t work you don’t eat.” He also said that he was a Libertarian.

Now is this all for real or is this hyperbole? If so I can be just as hyperbolic as the rest of them.

“I’m a Libertarian”

I didn’t know we had so many Libertarians in this country that were not Ron Paul. Remember Ron Paul? He ran from President in 2008, as Libertarian Republican. The Republicans that have now usurped his platform. Time was they considered him a joke and even went so far as to not let him attend the later Republican Presidential Debates.

Now all these Bush Republicans are Libertarians. At least Bill O’Reilly was smart enough to start calling himself one in 2005 or so. He saw the Bush ship sinking fast. But now EVERYONE is a Libertarian. How convenient. No wonder Obama won. All the Republicans became Libertarians. Must be why Ron Paul did so well.

Here is something to bear in mind next time you call a Republican, "a Republican" and he/she says “No I’m a Libertarian”. A Libertarian is a Republican who ashamed to admit he is a Republican.

“You don’t work you don’t eat.”

This is I guess aimed at all the deadbeats out there who just can’t get a job in this bustling economy. The thousands of deadbeats who were fired when the economy started tanking last year. I mean companies have jobs coming out of their ears right, ManCow?

Those “lazy” people should be working now right? So my friend with a poli-sci degree who got laid off from a huge corporation in November, and still has not been able to get a job, in spite of her college degree, years of work experience, and applying for jobs for the last 5 months; she doesn’t have a job because the economy is awful right, ManCow? She is just “lazy.”

Speaking of lazy, my girlfriend works at a Soup Kitchen. Most of the people who eat there are homeless. According to ManCow, she should lock the doors, and only let people who live on the streets, eat there if they have a job. Because if jobs are plentiful for laid off corporate attorneys, they are even more so for a guy who is homeless, right, ManCow?

Last question, when you got fired in 2006 from Q101, did you not eat until you got your next job? I mean you said it yourself, “If you don’t work, you don’t eat.”

“Let’s Take Our Country Back”

This has been a refrain on Fox News from Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Neil Cavuto and the like. ManCow echoed it this morning too. It’s a nice rallying cry, doesn’t hold a lot of water though. It’s a way to get all their viewers and listeners riled up, because the country has “changed so much” in the last 98 days.

Don’t be fooled, these guys are smart. They don’t care about spending. If they did they would have had a MANCOW during Bush’s two terms, like Ron Paul did. No they were too busy saying if you question Bush, then you “hate America”. “You’re either with us or against us.” The Libertarians included.

They were busy being against civil rights, gay rights, abortion rights, and / or environmental protection, unless it involves major corporation making a buck. They believe in Christianity, except for the parts about helping your neighbor. Jesus was big into keeping the Bush Tax cuts permanent, remember?

No they are smart, they know who their base is. Disgruntled white men. Men who had a factory job in a factory town, until the company moved the factory to China. But to listen to them, those disgruntled men can’t blame the company who moved the factory, or the Republican President who let it happen. Has to be those dirty liberals right?

And now those dirty liberals have taken their country away by electing a BLACK GUY! And all he does is spend, and waste money.

Makes me think, when these new RepubLibertairians say “Let’s Take Our County Back” that they have left out four words.

“Let’s Take Our County Back… from the Black Guy”

That is what you really mean right, ManCow?

Or is it all hyperbole?

Hyperbole sounds cool. But in the end it is a lot like Bill Shakespeare wrote, it’s a lot of “sound and fury, signifying, nothing.”


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