Sunday, February 8, 2009

Couples Game Night and Vandalism

So yesterday was pretty good day. First all it was like 58 degrees, which for Chicago is like it being 80. I realized I haven't seen the dead grass outside since November. It also means that our ice tribute to Close Encounters of The Third Kind created by our heater exhaust pipe is numbered.

Not mention, I got my bi-annual haircut. Paid on where I am doing my auditions for next week, for my upcoming project. Ate a Einstein's Bagel which I was for some reason really excited about. My girlfriend got a video camera which I figured out has a wire that I need for my said upcoming project, that I will relentlessly plug on this blog, with a link to others.

And not to mention... WE RULED AT COUPLES GAME NIGHT!

We got invited to a big game night tournament by one of my girlfriend's co-workers. We won big. First round I played Rummy and she played Mexican Train and won that handily. I picked Rummy cause when I go see my Mom, we play. My step-dad is like a Rummy savant, really good. Its like playing Yoda. The only other game he is that good at is Yahtzee, which I played in the second round. I came in dead last at the Yahtzee, but that is because we didn't finish our game. My girlfriend played Pass the Pig, and did okay at that. Oh well.

But where we excelled were the couples challenges. And why? TV trivia. Famous couples from TV. It was a 15 point gimme. Sam and Diane, David and Maddie, Edith and Archie. It was ridiculous. Then the next couple challenge... Movie trivia. Needless to say, we ruled that too. Someone made a catty comment that we only won because we "don't have kids". Well if using the time I should be spending raising children, is spent gaining trivial knowledge to win prizes, well then I will just stay childless.

So we moved on to the final round well ahead of the other two couples. We could have tanked that final round, but we nailed that as well. We were the grand winners. Got a nice certificate, some sparkling cider, nice gift basket. All and all a good day.

It is amazing how fast things change.

Around 12:30 Am, my girlfriend hears glass breaking. She wakes up, turns on the lights, looks around. None of our apartment windows are broken. Which is good. I might add I only have a vague recollection of this, as I slept through it. This is the reason she sleeps with a baseball bat under her side of the bed.

But then this morning we find this. Someone had smashed the window to our building's laundry room. Nothing was taken, and the window is too small to even get in. But it was freaky, and even more freaky that is was actually something and not just my girlfriend's imagination.

So it just kind of sucks that this was the end to our evening. And now it was not the night we kicked ass at Couples Game Night, its the night some one smashed the window RIGHT outside our apartment. Its times like this I hate people.

Someone, besides me this time, needs to say they are sorry.


1 comment:

  1. Ok jason, Finally, all that rummy playing has PAID OFF! Not to mention your tv and movies skills.
    You go I knew you could do it. Tom is so proud!!
