Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Until My Cynicism Returns...

I know my thing on this blog is to be all jaded and smarmy. Trust me mocking celebrities and saying things that make my Mother blush will return in short time. But yesterday was a huge, HUGE thing. So I just kinda of want to bask in it for a little bit until my political cynicism and "This is all Bullshit" attitude returns. And I am sure it will.

I kind of have this feeling of hopefulness. To me it is something akin to what I have been told people in 1961 felt when Kennedy got elected. It feels good. Like a page has been turned.

I watched the inauguration twice. We Tivo'd it and had some people over last night. But I also got to watch it live because someone in my office brought in this 5 Inch black and white portable television. It was sort of an amazing sight all of us huddled around this screen not much bigger than an Ipod. I don't remember watching Bush 1 or 2 or Clinton. I remember watching Reagan's but that was only because they wheeled a TV into my classroom when I was a kid. But I watched this one and I watched it live. And I am glad I will be able to tell people I did. That I watched this moment with people who wept because they were old enough to remember the racial struggles that led to this, and the set backs that made it seem like an event like this would never happen.

It is pretty unreal. I mean my only exposure to a black president has been in Sci-Fi movies and "24". Why is it there is always a black president right before the Earth is destroyed? (Deep Impact, 24, The Fifth Element). So while is was not something I gave to much thought to, it was something I thought would happen, a long long time from now.

There was a lot that happened yesterday so I will just hit some of the things that struck me with bullet points:
  • Cheney in a wheel chair REALLY looked like Mr. Potter from "It's a Wonderful Life". (by the way I have been doing the Cheney - Potter parallel for years. Suck it Jon Stewart)

  • Obama's new limo is called "The Beast" because it can withstand a blast from a landmine, not because of Patrick Swayze's new show.

  • What was the deal with Joe Biden's HUGE bible?

  • When talking about Religion in his speech he mentioned "non-believers." Pretty cool.

  • He is gonna bring SCIENCE back to the White House. Oh my God we have a President who believes in SCIENCE again!

  • I think its cool that the Obama kids were taking digital shots of the inauguration.

  • Jay-Z should not wear glasses.

  • My friend will now not get her chance to inject Bush with AIDS.

  • There is a tradition of the out going President leaving a note to the incoming one, I wonder what Bush said in his.

  • You can go to and get your own custom Obama "Hope" poster


  • I am throwing "He is our President, you have to support him." and "We are at war, you can't say negative things about the President" in the face of everyone who said that to me about Bush for the last 8 years.

  • I wonder what Sarah Palin is doing?

  • There was a Marine this morning outside the Oval Office at 9 AM. A Marine is posted out there once the President is inside. That means that he is already at work.

There is a lot of stuff to fix. And with that a lot of pressure to get things "Fix'd". Its daunting and a lot of people are expecting big things. But there has been a lot of build up, I'd say almost to the level of Phantom Menace before it came out. So my only request for the new President.

Don't be the Phantom Menace.

Hrmmm... Star Wars reference... smarm easing in... yeah I give this Political Euphoria another 24 hours.

Oh well nice while it lasted.


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