Its the time of year when everyone is doing there annual, TOP TEN, Movies, TV shows, music, people, events, what have you. And I could do that, but it takes a lot of time. So I have decided to condense all of those into my "Top Ten Things of 2008"
And the Top Ten Things of 2008 are:
10. Mormons - Between Mit Romney, reading "Under The Banner of Heaven", HBO's Big Love and those nuts in Texas, it has been a banner year for Mormons. I learned more about Joseph Smith's little religion that could this year than any other. I can't wait to read Escape by Carolyn Jessup. And I have to be honest, its only the FLDS that I find interesting. LDS not so much, especially after the whole Prop 8 deal. In a way I actually felt bad for Mit Romney. Cause when he was running the only questions I had for him were about long underwear, not his economic plan. But yeah for a few months this year, couldn't get enough Mormons.
9. Bittorrents - I don't illegally download music, movies, or computer programs off the Internet. But if I did, I'd use bittorrents. If you don't know what they are, its like this program that you download and then it goes out and gets all the little pieces from all over the Internet tubes, and puts it together. Its pretty cool. Don't ever use them.
8. Podcasts - I had to get a new Ipod this year. That kinda sucked. Mostly cause after I got the 4G Nano, 2 months later the cooler 8G came out for the same price. But on the upside I have gotten into Podcasts. Not having HBO or the time to keep up with the liberals at MSNBC, I downloaded their Podcasts off iTunes, to watch on the way to work or what ever. TV to go. You can't beat it with a stick.
7. The Internet - What a great set of tubes huh? You can do more now with the Internet than you could a year ago and in a year from now you will be able to do more. You can watch TV on Buy music or movies at iTunes. You can rent movies from Netflix, do your banking, shopping, register to vote, plane reservations. And IT DOES PORN. And now the latest thing, I am gonna help this African Prince get his money back. See he is gonna write me a check for 100 grand and I just have to send him a check for 50 grand back. I'm gonna be SOOO rich.
6. Colbert Report - The ongoing debate between my friends is, which is better: Daily Show or Colbert. Today as I write this, Colbert. Tomorrow could go back to Stewart. (And really what does Jon Stewart care? He makes money off both shows.) And while I feel like a learn more from the Daily Show, Colbert I think is just funnier, and in some ways meaner. What better way to make fun of the nuts on the right than to act like one and expose the crazy things they do?
5. Don Draper - So addicted to Mad Men. I loaned out the first season to some friends and now they have been "Draperized" too. And while I love the show, Don Draper is the reason to watch. He drinks, he smokes, he cheats, he fights, he knows the Hobo code, he's a whore's child. And yet at the end of the day, you can be mad at him and then he feeds you a line of bullshit that makes you fall in love with him. Its just awesome.
4. "Reunion" - This is the show I wrote this year. It was such a great experience from writing the first words with my partner Jay to working with the cast all the way through closing night. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention it. You can learn more about it and future shows HERE.
And the Top Ten Things of 2008 are:

9. Bittorrents - I don't illegally download music, movies, or computer programs off the Internet. But if I did, I'd use bittorrents. If you don't know what they are, its like this program that you download and then it goes out and gets all the little pieces from all over the Internet tubes, and puts it together. Its pretty cool. Don't ever use them.

7. The Internet - What a great set of tubes huh? You can do more now with the Internet than you could a year ago and in a year from now you will be able to do more. You can watch TV on Buy music or movies at iTunes. You can rent movies from Netflix, do your banking, shopping, register to vote, plane reservations. And IT DOES PORN. And now the latest thing, I am gonna help this African Prince get his money back. See he is gonna write me a check for 100 grand and I just have to send him a check for 50 grand back. I'm gonna be SOOO rich.

5. Don Draper - So addicted to Mad Men. I loaned out the first season to some friends and now they have been "Draperized" too. And while I love the show, Don Draper is the reason to watch. He drinks, he smokes, he cheats, he fights, he knows the Hobo code, he's a whore's child. And yet at the end of the day, you can be mad at him and then he feeds you a line of bullshit that makes you fall in love with him. Its just awesome.

3. The Dark Knight - What a great flick. Shot in Chicago. My girlfriend was an extra in it. I saw it opening weekend on Imax and then have seen it like 2-3 times since its hit DVD, and it holds up. Plus I met David Dastmalchian who plays the guy Aaron Ekhart kidnaps to get information at a New Years Party. He was a really nice guy. So cool. By the way Tim Burton, THIS is how you make a movie about Batman and the Joker.

and the Number One Thing of 2008

So that is it for 2008. Hope 2009 is better.
Lets face it, it can't get much worse.
Sorry Mom, I stand by the Boobs thing.
LOL @ boobs. You forgot that boob is a palindrome...and by their very nature, palindromes rock. (or maybe that's just b/c I'm a word nerd. Not sure there.)
ReplyDeleteBTW, interesting blog.
Hey thanks for the comments. What are you giving away on your blog?
ReplyDeleteI was giving away one item from my shop. The winner asked for a specific pair of earrings-- so that's what she got. SOrry-- didn't see your response to my comment. LOL