Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Saw Bruce Springsteen Part 1: Went to a Concert with Grown Ups.

Here is my proof. Just saw Bruce, it was awesome. I could and probably will blog about the actual concert itself. Go through song for song, you know really bore the crap out of you. It was amazing. Really made me wish I had some aptitude for playing music.

But the other part of my night was the fact that I really have not been to a CONCERT in about 10 years. I mean I went to a couple Ravina things, but that is more about listening to Peter, Paul and Mary while eating cheese. I did see Iggy Pop and the Stooges a few years ago with my friend Jon, that counts I guess. But that was still seeing a concert with young punks and well sixty year olds still trying to me young punks. Tonight aside from seeing an awesome show (Bruce played for 2 hours, took a break for 5 minutes and then played for another hour), was my first concert with adults.

For those of you who have not experienced this, its quite odd at first. See most of the concerts I've been to, I went to in high school at the Richmond Colosseum. It was not the nicest of venues, it always felt dirty, and you walked out feeling sticky. But I saw Aerosmith, Metallica, Poison, Motley Crue, I think... Being in high school, I was surrounded by young kids my age, all of whom smelled like the beer they either smuggled in or drank in the parking lot. About midway through the show the smell of pot would permeate through the General Admission area. And without fail, some asshole would start "slam dancing" which would make some other bigger idiot / asshole start slam dancing. The next thing you know you have a bunch of idiots ramming into you, knocking you into other people, while you are trying to enjoy "Love in an Elevator." You usually left feeling sticky, with bruises on your shins and your ears ringing.

After high school, I didn't see that many shows. Mostly because of ticket prices. I remember The Rolling Stones being 35 bucks and thinking that was outrageous. Trying seeing a band you have heard of for 35 bucks today.

But for some reason I came out of my concert exile to see Bruce. I actually saw him in 1992, but he wasn't with the E Street Band. I am getting to an age where I want to see certain bands before you can't anymore. So it was now or never to see Bruce with the Big Man, The Mighty Max Wienberg and Silvo Dante. So I threw down $100 bucks and away I went.

So here it is 2009 and I back on the concert horse. WOW! What a difference 10 years makes! First of all The United Center is NO Richmond Colosseum. It was my first trip there, and it was clean. It was like being in an airport, complete with low paid people who are really helpful, and over priced food.

The Usherette showed me to my seat, and was super polite. I was used to over weight union guys who considered it a good night if no one got trampled to death. I felt so guilty, I confessed to her that my phone had a camera on it. She said as long as it didn't have a flash, I shouldn't have to worry about it being confiscated.

So I am in my seat, and the place begins to fill up. But gone are the wanna be Heavy Metal kids and misplaced slam dancing punks. Most of the audience was in the 30's, 40's and some 50's. I think I may have been the youngest person in my section, by a long shot. When the show started all the dreaded slam dancing of my youth was replaced by that awkward white person bop, and that was just those who bothered to stand. Apparently grown ups who paid $100 for a seat, actually enjoy sitting in it. In fact it was kind of rude to stand up. What if you blocked the view of the person behind you? How gauche.

Everyone was so laid back, and polite. I had to use the bathroom and asked the couple behind me to watch my jacket. They looked at me like I was nuts. OF COURSE THEY WOULD WATCH IT. That is what grown-ups do at concerts. They watch the stuff no one would be interested in stealing anyway. Unlike young kids who steal things cause its there to steal. Oh and that smell of pot I am used to about half way through the show, its now been replace by aftershave.

All and all a pretty great experience. I will definitely be back to hang with these adults.

Sure as you get older things go to pot, like your health, but at least I have found one thing that gets better.

Over priced concerts!

Bring on the middle class, middle aged audience. I have found my people.

Anyone know if Paul McCartney is touring soon. That concert is gonna smell like Ben-Gay and Denture cream. Should be awesome!



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