Sunday, October 11, 2009

Stop Complaining For The Wrong Reasons

I am a world class complainer. I mean I am good. To paraphrase the Marlon Brando line from The Wild Bunch, "What do I complain about?"

"What do you got?"

It with this doctorate in bitching that I am flummoxed by all the people bitching about The President winning The Noble Peace Prize. It started with a sign of the Apocalypse. I AGREED With Mr. William O'Reilly.

I know, nuts right? When did Bill O'Reilly become such a hippie? It won't last long, the comments on the Fox website pretty much lambasted Bill and then continued with the normal Obama is a Kenyan-Socialist-Marxist-Nazi talk.

Bill has a point (we agree on one thing so I can now call him Bill). President Obama really hasn't done anything. With all of the people on the Right complaining about Obama, Bill was the only complaining who made any sense. Who would have thought that would happen?

This comes a week after Chicago didn't get the Olympics. See those same people calling the Nobel committee a joke while forgetting Mother Teresa also got a Nobel prize , and are rattling off Yasser Arafat as an example of how the Nobel committee is out of touch, also spent Friday October 2nd, celebrating Chicago losing The Olympics to Rio. That really pissed me off.

All because Obama was going to Copenhagen, Rush Limbaugh and every Fox News pundit, and the retards on Fox and Friends (calling those people on Fox & Friends pundits is an insult to pundits) spent the week badmouthing Chicago. "Why would you want the Olympics THERE?!" "What a HORRIBLE place for the Olympics?" "Chicago is too corrupt for the Olympics!" Fuck those Fox assholes, and Rush.

I live in Chicago, its a great city. Well the North Side is. I wouldn't know about the South Side because I am too scared to go there. When you live in Chicago, you learn to root for anything from Chicago. Obama runs for President, you root for him. Blackhawks are up for the Stanley Cup, you root for them. Jennifer Hudson up for an Oscar, you root for her. White Sox up for the World Series... Well... The Cubs are really gonna do it next year. Point is when Chicago is up for the Olympics, you don't root for Rio. And you certainly don't bad mouth Chicago.

That said, not all of Chicago was for the Olympics being here. And this is were Rush and the Fox guys got it wrong. They wanted to make it all about Obama, when if they would have just asked someone from Chicago, hell asked ANYONE from Chicago, they would have told them all the REAL reasons the Olympics shouldn't be here. How about how the Mayor has not ruled out having taxpayers pay for the Olympics if it lost money? Or how a lot of the new construction would ruin lake front? Or how Landlords were already talking about not honoring leases so that they could rent apartments to people coming into town for the Olympics?

But nobody did that. Instead they all crapped on Chicago. For that I hope they all choke on Chicago style Vienna Beef Hot Dog. I especially hope Sean Hannity chokes on two of them while fantasizing they are the penises of George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

Its the same thing with the Nobel peace prize. Obama's lack of experience is not the reason they should be bitching. They should be bitching because it should have gone to Bono from U2.

That's right, I said it.

Bono deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

Its not for all of his humanitarian work or his work to end debt in Africa. Those are all worthy causes. No the reason he needs to get it is, to paraphrase Glenn Beck... I WANT MY U2 BACK. (insert girl like weeping here.)

See for the better part of a decade Bono has been up for the Nobel Peace Prize and not so incoincidentally, for the better part of a decade, U2's albums have sucked. Its my theory that the Nobel is a distraction for Bono and it is keeping him from doing really good albums like Joshua Tree, or Unforgettable Fire or Achtung Baby, hell even Zooropa. Pop in Joshua Tree if you don't believe me, aside from "Bullet the Blue Sky", its still awesome. Certainly better than anything on the new album.

So I am pleading with the Nobel committee to just give Bono his prize. That way he can stop trying to earn it and make better U2 albums.

Or he could just run for President.

We can all agree that would work, right?


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