Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bush Foils Terrorist Footwear Attack

So I would remiss as a self respecting blogger if I did not post this.

He is awfully spry for a lame duck. You see the way he dodged that first shoe. That was the first thought I had. Next was "Wow, this is gonna be all over TV the next few days". Keith Olberman, Daily Show, Colbert Report, even Fox News although the tone I am sure there will be much more grave. It will probably involve exploding graphics, ominous music and the label "Bush Foils Terrorist Footwear Attack."

They say the first draft of history is written by journalists. Its why its so important that our politicians have good media people. I have said for years the worst sin you can commit is to be bad on television. Ask Dick Nixon about the repercussions of being bad on TV. Well if he wasn't dead.

Few examples:

Howard Dean was the front runner in the 2004 election, the minute he screams on TV it was over for him. He will never live it down. Its still mentioned and is now in the public conscious as who he is. Good bad or indifferent, that is what people remember.

Michael Jackson was dogged by rumors of touching little kids for years. But when was holding hands with that boy on the Martin Bashir special talking about "Why is it so wrong to share your bed." He was done. He didn't say it in some obscure interview, he said it on TV.

Tom Cruise is still trying to salvage his career from jumping on Oprah's couch. Yeah he has a movie coming out, but all people eventually want to talk about is his jumping around. Don't get me wrong Tom Cruise, is a red blooded, heterosexual normal American man. And I say that because I believe it is true. And I believe it is true because if I did not, Tom Cruise's lawyers would sue me.

And now the guy that threw shoes at Bush, whose name we will learn in a few days, will be added to list of people who did something inappropriate on TV, and he will forever be known by that. I probably didn't need to post those again. Most people have seen them ad nausem. But they sort of belabor the point of being bad on television never goes away. It is an uphill battle very few ever over come, and if so it is never forgotten. It will never be, cause it was on TV.


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